Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Maiden Voyage

Good Morning!

welcome to the Maiden Voyage of the USS 21st Century Retirement Blog.

On this blog I will be charting my adventures in the wonderful world of retirement, 21st Century style.

Post Economic Meltdown, Retirement in America has changed radically.

To begin with, you may not get to choose the time of your retirement. I was fired at age 55 from my job in Corporate America. I am ten years too young to draw my Pension, Social Security, or 401k money (well, not exactly, more on 401k's later).

One of the biggest challenges retirees face is what to do about healthcare.

There is also the issue of what to do with all your time?

There is the "Baby Boomer Factor", wherein people of my generation have a reputation for reshaping every cultural and social institution in which they come into contact.

Finally, there is the 2008 Economic Meltdown and the ways in which it has both temporarily and permanently changed the face of American Society as a whole

Over my subsequent blog posts, I will attempt to deal with many of these issues as I tread cautiously down the path of 21st Century Retirement.

I invite you to join me.

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